Office Hours
DVB will hold office hours Tuesday, Wed, and Thursday (12/7-12/9) from 2-3:30.
Only HW8 & 9 on exam 4!!!
No office hours Wed 11/24
HW 9
On my problem #4 for the expansion let's make it simple and just assume that all the expanision is to the iron bar getting longer.
Diffusion example
Note my diffusion example from class today (11/16) had the wrong units. My diffusion coeficient was actually in units of meters squared not centimeters squared. Thus the rms displacement in one second for a sucrose molecule in water at 20C was about 10-5 m. Still not too far but 100x farther than I calculated in class.
Extra Credit
Yes, I realize we have had more than three extra credit assignment if you count the bonus problems from the 2nd exam. However, as those were for making up points on exam 2, I didn't count them in the send me an email numbering scheme.
Extra Credit #3
This will be the last of the three extra credit assignments that we will have. This
third one is to encourage you to dream up problems to develop a deeper understanding of the concepts.
Write a problem that we could use on the final exam. Not too long with too many parts. Not ridiculously simple.
Something you think might actually appear on the final.
To get credit you will need to follow these simple instructions. The email
must have the following. Your name, Your EID, what exam covered the topic (of the four in class exams), the problem and its
importantly it must have the following subject line
CH301H Fall 2010 extra credit #3
Note: that does not
mean something kind of like that. It must be exactly like that. I was leanient the first time. I will not
be this time.
For this simple task I will
add one point onto your final grade in the course. This might seem small, but it is in fact a
large addition to your grade. If your question is selected for the final you will not get any extra extra credit (beyond
having a question you wrote on the final!). I will need to receive the email by Monday
12/06/10 at midnight.
Extra Credit #2
This will be the second of three extra credit assignments that we will have. This
second one is simply to encourage you to talk about science beyond our classroom. There are
many means in which you can do this, but for our assignment I would like you to go and find someone
and teach them something that you've learn in this class. If you haven't learned anything in the
class, then teach them something you already knew and that other people learned in the class.
You could pick one of our "think/share" questions from the class to test other people's knowledge. Or
come up with a new excercise that I could use in class in the future. Whatever you want. Just teach someone
something relevant to the class. Then write me an email tellling me about it.
To get credit you will need to follow these simple instructions. The email
must have the following. Your name, Your EID, what you taught the person, and summary of how you taught them.
importantly it must have the following subject line
CH301H Fall 2010 extra credit #2
Note: that does not
mean something kind of like that. It must be exactly like that. I was leanient the first time. I will not
be this time.
For this simple task I will
add one point onto your final grade in the course. This might seem small, but it is in fact a
large addition to your grade. I will need to receive the email by Tuesday
11/30/10 at midnight. This will give you something to do over the Thanksgiving break.
Final Exam
FYI. The final exam schedule can be found at the Registrar's homepage Exam Schdule. The exam for our class will be on Friday 12/10 from 2-5 in ECJ 1.202. I cannot change this time so there is no need to ask.
Chapter 9
We covered a lot of stuff today in class (11/11). Please make sure you have both a conceptual understanding of the IG law as well as the ability to do equations. For the kinetic theory the important points are the ones I emphasized. Don't dwell on the derivations in the book.
Exam 3 prep
The key to HW7 along with answers to the "more problems" are posted on the HW page.
Review today in 2.308 from 3-5. This is the classroom next to our regular class room.
More Problems for Exam 3
There is a set of more problems to work for Exam 3 on the homework page.
short handout
There is a shorter version of the organic nomenclature handout on the TOD page.
Extra Credit Exam 2
For the first problem you need to calculate the potential energy of the electrons. Use a +1 nucleus.
Extra Credit Exam 2
And now for a different kind of extra credit. I have posted the bonus questionsfrom exam 2. If you do these by next Thursday (10/28) you can get 9 points added to your exam 2 score. The key will be up later today. You'll need this if you don't have the correct answers to the previous problems that are used in the bonus material.
Review Session for Exam 2
The review is in WEL 2.224. 3-4:30 on 10/13. That is on the 2nd floor with all the classrooms. It is the very large 500 seat lecture hall. I think I gave the wrong room number in class.
A quick survey about the Thoughts of the Day
All responses are anonymous
Extra Credit
This will be the first of at least three extra credit assignments that we will have. This
first one is simply to encourage you to think about science beyond our classroom. There are
many means in which you can do this, but for our assignment I would like you to go and read
and learn something new that is happening in the world of science today. For this I would like
you to read an article on a recent scientific discovery or story and send me an email with a
summary. The summary should be brief (a paragraph or so) and highlight three things. What you learned
from the article, a question it raised in your mind, and why you found it interesting. You should send this summary
to me as an email. To get credit you will need to follow these simple instructions. The email
must have the following. Your name, Your EID, the title of the artilce, the source, and your summary
with the three points.
importantly it must have the following subject line
CH301H Fall 2010 extra credit #1
Note that does not
mean something kind of like that. It must be exactly like that.
For this simple task I will
add one point onto your final grade in the course. This might seem small, but it is in fact a
large addition to your grade. Especially as we will have more such opportunities, and it requires
only that you spent a little time thinking about the world of science. While I have
given you this assignment now, you should really work on HW5 as it is long and difficult. We also
have an exam on Thursday 10/14. As such to get credit I will need to receive the email by Tuesday
10/19/10 at midnight. This will give you something to do after the exam.
I hear you now
saying "Where should I find such an article?". I would suggest the following sources that report
the latest in high profile scientific journal.
The Science Times at the NY Times
The Science section at the Independent
or any other newspaper you'd like. These simply devote a decent amount of coverage to science.
Both the journals Science and Nature
have news and perspectives that are meant for non expert readers. Look for the sections "news" and
"perspectives". Also, Nature has many more topical
journals such as Nature Biotechnology or
Nature Materials or even
Nature Chemistry
HW5 is now posted
HW Confusion
Due to great confusion on the dates of the HW we will accept HW4 up to this Thursday 10/7. HW5 will be due 10/12.
HW 5
HW 5 will be due 10/12. We will have only HW4 and HW5 for Exam 2.
HW 4
Homework 4 is posted. It will not be due next class, but next Thursday. However, I plan on trying to have HW 5 due the following Tuesday so we don't get too far behind.
Review Session
Monday's office hours will be in WEL 2.122 from 3-4
HW3 corrections
The molecule in problem #3 (other problems) is AlCl3.
HW3 is posted
Ionic Bonding
The HW was a bit shy on the ionic bonding model. As such I have come up with another
problem for you to work on. It is not part of the HW in that it you don't have to turn it in.
However, you should give it a try. The last part is the most challenging.
A problem on Ionic Bonding
The Key to HW1 is posted
HW 2 is posted
Articles about elements
Here are a couple of recent news/editorials about elemental resources. I have given you
the links as a point of interest. Any opinions expressed in the articles are the authors own.
I have not posted them here as a means of endorsement (not that they are particularly
wildly controversal). I simply would like to encourage you all to make connections between
chemistry and the world beyond the University.
Article from The Independent (a British Newspaper) on Helium resources
A recent Op-Ed piece from the NY Times on Rare Earth Elements
Sign convention is very important in energy as we are alway comparing the energy between two states. For changes in energy we define the change as the energy in the final state (now) compared to the initial state (where things used to be). When the final state is lower in energy (more stable) then the change is negative. A negative change means that the energy is released out of the system into the rest of the world (the surroundings). A positivie change is energy into the system. When looking at absolute values of energies the sign is also useful if we know how the zero energy point is defined. For electrostatic interactions between two particles we have defined zero potential energy as the energy when the two particles are at infinite distance. Thus negative energies at finite distance mean that the system is at a lower energy at this distance compared to infinite. Such potentials are referred to as a attractive. Positive potentials in contrast are repulsive as the system would have a lower energy (zero) if the particles were infinitely separated. One has to be careful with the words bigger or smaller as they often refer to magnitude no sign. I will try to stick with higher and lower. Lower is closer to negative infinity. For example. Which is lower V=-1 or V=-1.5. Answer => V=-1.5.
ALEKS for Chemistry
The average ALEKS Chemistry score for the students in CH301H is an 85. This includes a number of people who clearly stopped after they had hit the 70% mark (they had nearly perfect scores until zero on the last modules). Completion rate is approaching 90% of the class. I am pleased to see that most everyone did the work and is well prepared. A very nice start to the year.
For next week
Work on reading chapter 3. Check out the thoughts of the day page as it now has the schedule for the year. HW1 will be due at the start of class on Thursday. There are some problems that are based on what we have (or will) cover in class. There are some that will simply require you to think.
I am assuming that at this point everyone has successfully completed their ALEKS assessment. (I will get a real list later today). If you ignore it, didn't get a 70% you are unprepared for the regular section of CH301 much less this section. If you stuggled to get a 70% you are unlikely ready to deal with the material we will cover. If you total ignored it, you are giving me a heads up on your potential work ethic.
Molecules you should know
We all need to know some common compounds to communicate. You should know all of the following.
Click the following link to find out what you should know.