Vanden Bout
See front page for times
His office is WEL 5.201
He will also schedule a regular room to move to in case of larger numbers.
The best way to contact Dr. Vanden Bout is by email
My office hours are essentially a time for answering student questions
TA contact
If you have a problem with a quiz or exam grade (like you got a zero because you bubbled in
your name wrong) contact
Katie Clark
To contact our teaching assistant Matt Wallack email him at Matt Wallck
TA Office Hours
See front page for times
Academic Communities
You should definitely take advantage of the
Academic Communities.
They meet in either Kinsolving or Jester Sunday through Wed nights. So there is somewhere
there essentially every night you might be studying.
Each Night 6-6:30 is chance for peer to peer dinner with the TA
6:30-7:30 is a discussion section
7:30-9:30 is academci community in the Dining Hall
The schedule is on the academic communties webpage.