Equilibrium Stress
This will be on the test. Be sure to study this. I have updated the list of topics below. But if you looked at this earlier and didn't see it, this was on omission on my part.
Exam 1
Many people have asked about exam 1. Will it all be calculations? Will there be any "theoretical"
questions? Will it have questions about equilibria? Yes. Yes. And yes. To give you a general breakdown
of the questions.
There are 30 questions on the exam (plus on extra credit that I will use if we need it).
The exam covers 7 lectures. 2 on physical equilibria and phase transitions, 2 on solutions, and 3 on
equilibria. The coverage will reflect this with 8 question on phase transitions, 9 on solutions,
and 13 on equilibria. They are roughly as follows.
Physical Equilibria
Relating physical equilibria and thermodynamic concepts
Reading, navigating, interpretting phase diagrams
Qualitative and quantitative questions about boiling points and vapor pressure
Relating solution formation and thermodynamic concepts
Questions on solution formation
Quantitative calculations of colligative properties
Conceptual questions about colligative properties
These could include BP evlation, FP depression, osmotic pressure, vapor pressure changes, miscibility,
gases dissolving into liquids (Henry's Law), etc...
Chemical Equilibria
Relating chemical equilibria and thermodynamic concepts
Calculating extents of reaction
Relating Q and K
Heterogeneous Equilibria
Utilizing RICE diagrams
Equilibrium stress and Le Chatlier's Principle
Conceptual questions regarding chemical equilibria
This list is not any different from what you already know based on the homeworks, the notes,
and the lectures. But here it is.
Exam Formula
The formula sheet for the exam is here.
Old Exams
I have posted a couple of old exam 1 from 2008 and 2009. These will give you some other
problems to think about. They have the correct answers marked. Try to work the problems.
Don't just look at the answer and tell yourself you know it. Cover all the answers and work
the problem. Then see if you are correct. If it is a which statement is false or choose the
best explanation type problem, then just sit down and write down everything you think you know
about the question.
Finally, do not use these exams as a road map for our exam. They are from years in which we
had three exams instead of four. As such, they have more material including problems on acid/bases.
Do not start studying pH problems as they will not be on our first exam.
Exam 1 Review
We will have a review session for our first exam on Monday from 5-6 in WEL 1.308
Exam Conflict
If you have scheduled to take the alternative exam from 4-6 on Tuesday due to schedule conflicts the location is GSB 2.126. You must have signed up with Jeff Dailly in the undergraduate office (WEL 2.212) so he can verify your conflict.
Exam 1
Exam 1 will be on night of 2/15 from 7-9PM. The exam will be in one of two rooms based on the
first letter of your last name.
A-K will be in WEL 2.224
L-Z will be in UTC 2.112A
Bring your ID, a pencil, and an appropriate calculator to the exam.
Exam Issues
If you have a conflict with our exam time you must see Jeff Daily in the Undergraduate
Chemistry Office WEL2.212 to schedule an alternative time to take the exam. The alternative
time is 4-6 on Tuesday. If that doesn't work you must arrange a time with Mr. Daily to take
the exam in the Undergraduate Office.
If you require test taking accommodation you need to have provided me with you letter for SSD
and you should also see Jeff Daily.
HW2 numerical problems
Enter in lots of digits in your answer.
I gave everyone credit for two problems. They can be done, but both have issues. Question 7 had the Henry's Law constant in different units. This can be possible, but it is totally different from the molefraction version we did in class. Problem 20 is perfectly fine if you work it using the information given in the problem. However, the information is technically wrong. The freezing point depressino constant for water is 1.86 not 0.186.
Worksheet 3
Worksheet 3 is posted
Question HW2
Quest HW2 is now online. Note on problem #23 the molecule CO(NH2)2 is urea. This is a molecule. It is not an ionic compound.
Worksheet 2
The key is posted for worksheet 2.
The key is now posted as well.
There is no worksheet 1. In years past this was lots of thermoproblems. However, I'm just sticking to worksheets on what we are covering this year. So we start with worksheet 2. Solutions will be posted by the end of the week.
Problem with HW
Should there ever be a problem with the homework (such as the wrong answer being coded into a problem). Do not panic. We will sort it out. However, please send me an email to let me know if you find something. Just avoid the panic part.
Homework 1 is posted
Homework 1 is on Quest
Be sure to read 2
Also be sure to read how to relate ΔS and ΔH for a phase transition to the phase transition temperature.
Be sure to read
Be sure to read about the difference between water and most other substances. This info is in the book, in the lecture notes, and the slides from lecture. In two seconds, the key difference is that the solid phase of water is less dense than the liquid phase. Because of this, the slope of the melting line is different for water than for most everything else. As the pressure is increased, the melting temperature of water decreases.
How to succeed
Many students ask me how to succeed in CH302. You have to figure out what you need to do to learn the material. This will not be the same for everyone. You have to figure out what it takes for you. Don't fool yourself into thinking you know the material when you really don't. For tips on how to succeed see this handy guide
Welcome to CH302. This webpage and the Quest system will be your key to communication in this course. All announcements will be via these two. Please read over the syllabus. We will cover it briefly in class on 1/ 18/11. To prepare for class it is best to read ahead in the book. The material covered for each lecture can be found on the lecture page.